Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I have been training at Jaleo for a week now and eating their food.

it is really tasty and really not vegan and I feel awful.

I can't wait to just eat what I want to eat and I hope I haven't irreprably pushed myself in the wrong direction.

Here's something odd: ever since I started eating regular food again I find myself missing Rob.

a lot.

I wonder if all this sugar and dairy and meat and alcohol is a depressant.


going to sleep.

setting the alarm early so I can run before work (yesterday I went running after work when it was dark and snowing outside).

so yeah, I am eager for this training to be over; to not be completely broke; to go back to feeling healthy and slim; for warm weather; oh and it would be lovely to fall in love with a decent person and to get a job in my feild.

that is all for tonight.

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