Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Curious Case of Argentinian Jeff Goldblum...

Well, since I am finally getting around to my 20s let me tell you a bit about the past few weeks. AJG did in fact send me an email first thing the next morning (in Spanish) saying that he'd had a great time the night before and that he hoped to see me again soon. I emailed back but then didn't hear from him for a few days. I wasn't really sure what I wanted. When he asked me what I was doing each night I said "I'm working" or "I have choir practise" and never mentioned how early any of those things might end and that I could see him afterwords. We wound up making plans for monday night; then I spent the entire weekend thinking about the moment when I would walk into his arms to dance with him; when I walked into his arms there was this moment when we'd just stand there, still. It was like his whole body was scanning mine to see where I was, listening for when to start moving with me. But it was also like his body was speaking to mine in his whisper, saying "don't worry about anything. I will take care of you now. All you have to do is dance."

and as the week got more and more harried, I just wanted to step back into that stillness. That care.

But I'd already blown him off, right? So I had to wait for our monday date.

We'd tentatively made plans to see "Avatar" in 3D but when the schedule came out, I didn't have monday off as I'd requested. I sent him an email saturday night saying that I still really wanted to see him and would he mind moving the date back to 10 or so. I got an email from him while I was sitting in the second service at church and was all excited. I showed it to Allison and was giddily whispering "look! look!" and she was like "I can't read that, it's in Spanish." But she got the gist from my expression. He said no problem, why don't we meet at my place for coffee and some tango dancing.

*eyebrow raise*

sure, why not.

So I went to his place after work on monday night (and was SO nervous!). I walked in the door and he took my coat and started kissing me. I'd forgotten how delicious he smells. I pulled out of the kissing after a bit and he offered me tea (I'd told him I don't drink caffiene). He brewed the hot water while I looked at the photos of his 12 year old son on the wall. We talked (I can't even remember about what), he put the cups of tea on the dining room table to cool, and there they sat -- untouched -- until morning. We sat on the sofa, my legs draped over his, his hand on my thigh, and we talked, relaxed. And then the kissing started again.

and this charming idea I'd had that I was in control, vanished.

Please allow me at this point to talk about just how astonishing this man is in bed.

His kissing is still a little tense for my mouth... but pretty much every other square inch of my body likes it.

I honestly don't know how much to write online. It's so pornographic! I always thought that Rob and I had sex that was amazing (and we did); but apparently, it gets better.

who knew?

Let's leave the online details as this:

1. I have never in my life had that many orgasms in that short a period of time

2. we pretty much hit every room in his apartment (including the bathroom where he opened the window and told me to arch my back so that my chest was pressed against the cold screen while he did things to the rest of my body that kept it extremely warm)

3. AJG is by FAR the largest I've been with (and, again, that's saying something considering past lovers)

4. I got about an hour and a half of sleep

5. he's also a massuse (of course. of course he's a massuse. I mean why wouldn't the hot, older, tango dancing, sex genius also be a fucking massuse)

6. he's very cuddly when he does sleep

7. (and this was the most confusing part) he made almost the entire night be about my pleasure.


After the first orgasm I had from him going down on me, I fully expected things to move right into sex. Instead, he gathered me into his arms and started stroking my hair and back and just whispered "rest for now" and then was just saying sweet, quiet things.

I was like "what?!?!?!!"

what do you mean rest? don't you... I mean... why?....wow, I'm tired.

WHO KNEW!?!?!? who knew that it's really better if you take a moment after something like that. I didn't know. How could I. Things always progressed.

It was strange, this feeling that he knew my body better than I do.

Like I wasn't his lover so much as his musical instrument; like he was just playing me (and making me make all these outrageous sounds!)

We left the house about an hour after he needed to to get to work the next morning. Kissed goodbye at the metro and went our separate ways. Me to Open City to get some vegan breakfast before working a DOUBLE at PS7.

could not stop smiling, obviously.

Fortunately, Clementine was there so there was someone to tell. Also, Scott and I were blackberry chatting about the whole thing, so there was an outlet for the crazy details. AND there was an email from Fernando in my inbox!! I swear, it's like there's some kind of radar that men have! So while I'm emailing Fernando back, AJG emails me from work what a great time he had and how he wished we could have just stayed in bed all day. And while I'm emailing AJG back, Fernando emails me back saying how much he misses me and how he framed a Monet print that we'd spent a long time looking at and put it at his dining room table so that every time he sat down for a meal he thought of me. "you're in my thoughts more than you could possibly imagine" (I wrote him back, simply "you take my breath away").

it was a good day for my ego.

though it was a looooooooooooooooooooong ass day at work, let me tell you.

AJG and I emailed the next day, and the next. Very flirty, very sweet, but still no definitive plans to see each other again. Finally I email him and say "I'd like to see you again." He emailed back "I really want to see you too" which had me soaring. Then "but I'm really busy right now, what's your next two weeks look like?"




Then I didn't hear from him for 5 days.

So when I did, I had vacated Cloud 9 and was more feet-firmly-planted-on-the-ground. I still wanted to see him, but I was no longer carried away.

I went over to his house for another after work date last wednesday and... he answered the door in his underwear.


Now, full disclosure, I will say this: once his clothes came off, I was surprised to see that he has a REALLY great body (especially considering he's 45!), so maybe he should always be required to walk around in his underwear. Or maybe he was sleeping because he knew that we wouldn't get much sleep once I got there. Whatever. Dude answered the door in his speedos! I kind of had to stop myself from laughing and saying "ok, guess we're skipping the niceties?"

but then he was kissing me and I didn't really care.

He kind of just assaults my senses. Takes me out of my body, throws me up into the sky, has me making all sorts of primal noises, then backs off and says -- very sweetly -- "would you like to take a shower? I know you had a long day. It will relax you."


It's such a roller coaster ride spending time with him.

So I take my shower, he offers to make me dinner, I decline, we head to the bedroom for a repeat of the other night. More crazy, brilliant, outragous sex. More cuddling. More massage. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.

At one point, we were wrapped together and he asks "have you ever had sex with a woman?" I said "I have been in a few menage a trois where there was a man and a woman with me, but never just a woman by herself." And I tell him the story from the last lingerie/mistletoe christmas party (both of us laughing when I got to the part where some guy was banging on my bedroom door saying that he was diabetic and his insulin was in the backpack in my room. So the man in my bed, got up, opened the door and the dude sees me on my bed with the other woman, looked at our partner and said "hey man, you need some help?" and our partner was like "no, dude, I got this").

But then I told him that I am way more of a location person when it comes to sex. At first he didn't understand, but then I explained that it was both outdoors (woods, beach, in sunlight, etc) or any place where I might get caught. So he wanted to know where I'd had sex (*evil smile* I LOVE having this conversation! I always win this conversation!). I told him a bunch of different locations (aiport runway, lighthouse, hanging off a cliff, etc) and then got to the top 2.

#2: on the altar of a church (he was very impressed)


#1: on the con tower of a submarine in a restricted area of the DC Navy Yard.

he was more impressed with the church altar and said that he had always wanted to have sex there. I told him (as I tell everyone) "good acoustics". I left out that at this point the only place I really want to have sex that I haven't yet is Disneyworld.

Eventually we went to sleep.

Or HE did. For some reason I could just not freaking fall asleep. It was driving me crazy. The longer I lay there, the more annoyed I got (and his darth vadar snoring didn't HELP!). I also started to think, uncharitably, that sometimes he was a lot less Argentinian Jeff Goldblum and a lot more Argentinian Garry Shandling!

But, whatever. Eventually I got some sleep (though he would frequently wake me up to DO things to me while he was asleep -- I guess he doesn't stop being Argentinian just because he's unconscious!). When his alarm went off at 6am he immediately woke up and started ravaging me. Though, at one point he stood up and reached for my hands saying "come with me". I was long past questioning his instructions; still, I was really surprised when he walked us to his front door, OPENED IT (both of us completely naked) and started having sex with me in the hallway of his apartment building.
seriously, this guy ... Nice to know that he was listening to me when I talked about what I like and found a way to give it to me.
Then he showered and we sat together over breakfast and just talked about random things. It was sweet and light. When we walked to the subway, though, he asked me not to link arms with him because he said kids from his son's school were around and he didn't want them to say "hey I saw your dad with some woman"
I get that. Still, it made me feel really trashy.
So we said goodbye at the subway (no kiss this time)(what with all the 12 year olds around) and I walked off to my car.
We've emailed a few times since but he hasn't mentioned seeing me again (actually, I haven't heard from him since thursday). Mostly I am ok with that. I REALLY enjoyed the sex, but the conversation was work. I kept wanting it to be like it is when Fernando and I talk, and it simply wasn't. Also, I don't need to be his girlfriend, but I need to be his date when we are together. If he can't hold my hand when we walk down the street, then perhaps he shouldn't be fucking me in the hallway of his apartment building.
new rule.
so that's most of the tale.
just minus the really salacious parts.
I'm happy to share those too, just not online.

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