Sunday, February 14, 2010

for Valentine's Day

So some of you know this already, but I have this supersonic, out-of-control crush on my boss. Beyond steroetypical, I am verging on the cliche with this one (butterflies in the stomach, pit of fire where my heart used to be, wobbly thighs). Anyway, I wrote this poem about it and thought it might make a nice valentine's entry.

(ps. I just had the GREATEST time tango dancing!!! I love it!)


I hate to admit it

but his eyes

--illumined and smiling--

looking at me like there is no one else in the room,

--inside a mile!--

shiver over me

like the morning after a snowfall

when the sun has returned

and the sky is a brilliant, calm blue

and a breeze puffs a handful of snow

from a tree branch.



of cold, sparkling dust

is what I feel on my neck and shoulders,

down my arms and back

and all because he has smiled

the crooked, warm smile.

All because his eyes burn and reach for me

without ever thinking I'll reach back.

So we sit on our hands

and say nothing

--our mouths full of ashes.

And we wait for the situation to change.

Which is more important: love

or paying rent?

I know we all want to say 'love'

but it's hard on the 14th of the month to still not have rent.

I'm just sayin.

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