Sunday, December 6, 2009

so much to tell !

Ok, so I have no time and there is a lot I want to tell you all. So let's just say the major points are
1. I have an interview in an hour and a half with the board for The Actor's Center in DC. I have been nominated by my amazing friend Ricardo to be on the board which will allow me to be kind of at the heart of a lot of what's happening in the city in terms of theater. I already had one interview and everyone seems pretty sure I'm going to be voted on, but still, I'm excited/nervous about it all.
(then Lisa, Ricardo and I are going to see 2012 which I can tell you will involve the 3 of us being so ridiculous that we might need to be hospitalized for laughing so hard).

2. I sent in a job application to the University of Maryland to be a theater/voice professor. I am moderately/dimly hopeful. Doug knows someone over there and is going to call to ask them to keep an eye out for my application.

3. I met a guy 2 weeks ago. An amazing amazing, gorgeous, made me wonder what might come next kind of a guy. He seemed super into me. Wrote me all these emails (PLURAL!!) after our date about how much he was looking forward to seeing me when he got back from thanksgiving break. And then he never called.
whatever, it was nice to know I could get excited about a guy (made for a nice distraction from all the moronic missing of Rob that I do).
but it doesn't matter because...

4. FERNANDO is coming to DC tomorrow!!!!!!!
I'm ... speechless. stunned. Lord only knows what will happen when I see him!?!?!
I just re-read (and posted in the entry before this one) the entire story I wrote about him when I was in Costa Rica. You may read if you are so inclined -- you should at least scroll through and see the photos. The man really is mega-hot!

5. I've been a vegan for 5 weeks now :)

6. I freaking love my friends in DC. I love that even though I don't have work in my field that I have the talent and the training that will allow me to have a fantastic career and that even though I don't have a house that is my own or even an apartment I have a home in this city because it is FULL of people I love and things that are important to me!!!!

wish me luck!

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