Wednesday, October 21, 2009

and here it is... October 21

so it's late but I wanted to touch base on where I am since today was the day...

according to my list by today I wanted to
--lose 10 pounds
--have a good server job and money under control
--website up and running
--business cards
--applications in at TCG schools
--some sort of theater gig in DC
--find a good apartment for november 1
--portfolio and resume to all dc theaters and schools
--sleep with at least one man I'm really attracted to
--spend lots of time with friends and family
--spend lots of time at church
--volunteer with some activity

1. lose 10 pounds.
yeah, have NOT done that. I'm probably exactly the same size (well, my jeans are not as tight as there were when I moved here, but it's not like I've dropped a size). But I am running 3 or 4 days a week and I've been taking dance classes on friday. Also, I've been way into the raw foods thing --which is expensive and time consuming, but when I've had the time and money I have eaten that way and I hope to more and more. So, not great, but not terrible.

2. have a good server job and money under control
yes and sort of.
I have a great job at PS7 in Chinatown. I worked tonight and probably made around $250 (we were pooling and I left before I knew what the last guy made so I'm guessing) which is pretty decent for a wednesday night! I wouldn't go so far as to say I have money under control but I am getting there.

3. Website up and running.
you can go see it: unfortunately, it's only page one. BUT it's UP!! It's running! I spent the entire day working with Van on getting the remaining pages sketched out and they'll be up soon. :)

4. business cards.
no. Just got the website domain name this week so now I'm going to figure out how to get the cards made... "oh van?"

5. applications in at TCG schools.
this one is interesting. I decided after I wrote this list that I didn't want to take a theater gig in Alabama or Massachusetts or anywhere (ok, maybe Puerto Rico). I want to stay here. I want a home. So I decided not to apply to the jobs that were listed. Then a job popped up for a theater professor at the university of maryland. Now THAT one I will apply for, but I'm waiting for the website to be finished for that.

6. theater gig in DC
I've been talking to Doug about us working on a project *SQUEE!!!!* and also I had an idea for a movement based Viewpoints piece about dreams. I bumped into a theater friend on the street the other week and I told him about my idea and he got really excited about it (also I want to tell Johanna about it, in case you're reading this) and so we're meeting tomorrow to talk more in detail about creating this devised piece!

7. apartment for november 1
nope. But I'm ok with that. I can't afford my own place yet. Also, I want to find a place I want to be for awhile so I want to stay here until I find something that really works. I still check about every other day so I'm keeping abreast of it all but I don't feel rushed. Also, I've been thinking a lot about going back to Costa Rica in January or February, and I'd love to time it so that I could go for 3 weeks or so and then come back here and move into a new place so that I wouldn't be spending rent while out of the country.

8. portfolio to all DC theaters and schools
will do this as soon as website is final and I get the dvd from johanna

9. sleep with at least one man I'm attracted to.
ok, NO I have not slept with anyone BUT I did kiss someone. TOnight, in fact. I signed up for and I went out on a date with a very nice and cute computer/trumpet player (I went out on a date last week too but it was from the free dating site on facebook which is SCARRRYYYY and that didn't turn into anything). It wasn't fireworks but it was sweet and he asked if he could kiss me goodnight when he drove me home; though when I said yes, he took a good five minutes just touching my face and kissing my neck before he actually kissed me -- which I thought was great. He also asked me, when he was kissing my neck, to tell him something random. I emptied my brain and the first thing that popped out was "the atomic weight of cobalt is 58.9"
which I thought was a fabulous thing to throw out.
he laughed.

At one point I really started to like the kissing (though, let's be honest, he was a little to pointy tounge happy!--when I could get him to just kiss me it was quite good) that's when I thought of Rob and thought I would start crying. But, other than that it was a nice first date.

I don't know what to say about Rob. I miss him all the time. I miss him so much it feels like lightning in the center of my chest. I haven't returned his calls, though I tried explaining how I'm feeling once when he texted me. I used the same words as above (about missing him/lightning) and he said nothing for a week and a half then mailed me a silly tshirt picture about bacon.
I wish he was here so I could hit him a lot.
I hurt so much without you it feels like lightning///bacon tshirt


10. Spend lots of time with friends and family
this one I've been very good at!! I'm so happy to be 10 seconds away from Lisa!!!!!!!!!! We went to Skyline Drive this weekend and have been hanging out most sundays (including this comign one). We see movies, we go shopping, we are just together! I wish I could move back into my old building --where she still lives -- so we could be like Joey/chandler and Monica/Rachel on FRIENDS. But that building is expensive!!
sometimes I wish I had tons of money!!
I haven't spent any time with family, however, because my freaking brother has just decided to MOVE TO VERMONT!!!! He's renting a house 3 doors down from my parents.
I am sad and jealous about this.
Though, he assures me that he will probably see me more as he'll now stay with me when he comes to DC for weeks at a time to do work here. So that's good!

11. spend lots of time at church
I HAVE been doing this!! I love my church. I love the choir. I've even made a real friend besides Angela. Her name is Alison. We're hanging out tomorrow night after choir practise. I have vague hopes of getting her out of whatever lease she's in and moving in together in Columbia Heights near church. She's sweet.

12. volunteer
I'm counting choir as this.

so not so bad.
ok, I'm tired.
also... I kissed a man tonight :)

Sunday, October 4, 2009

has been a very bad blogger

but I've been memorizing menu items (be thankful I don't type them out here). I hope to stop eating restaurant food and start back with the food regemine I began.

though I have a headache right now from having popcorn and reeses pieces for dinner (cut me a break I have literally LITERALLY $10 to my name, I ate what Lisa got at the movies for dinner).
